The churches that we have seen have been SO impressive.
OHMYGOD! So i completely forgot to mention something in my post about Poland: the FOOD! was so good. I'm not going to lie, I was worried about eating in Poland. For some reason I thought all they ate was meat. And being a vegetarian, I thought it'd be a problem. But NO! I've added perogies and red beet soup to my list of things to cook when I get back.
Yesterday we went to the Sachsicher Schweiz, which is an UNESCO World Heritage Site! And with reason. This place was beaaauuutiful. The people in my group were lucky that I didn't have my Canon on me, because otherwise I would have taken about 765590 more pictures than I already did. I think its been my favorite activity so far. I wish it was MY JOB to climb those things.
It was ridiculous because even though it was rainy and freeeeeezing, the place was still packed! With old German people! God, I love them.
make it yo job <3